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Category: ETC

I’ve somehow gotten strangely involved here

Now, I’m an affiliate, and somehow I’ve strangely calculated that I need an extra day to broadcast….But, when I got the email from the platform today that I am already an affiliate, I was surprised and proud.But without my tribe, I can’t and couldn’t do anything, and without you it would be even more difficult.Now, […]

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[UPDATE] the road to affiliate…. as 05.19

my adventures in affiliation continue… and I still need +1 day of unique broadcasts to apply for membership…that day will apparently be Thursday, if I counted correctly, and then in a week or less I’ll be able to make some money…. but that’s not my goal, my goal is to build up my circle of […]

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Plans: 12-hour birthday broadcast

[there will be everything]Preparations for the birthday broadcast and recordings are underway. I’m committed to it but I’m afraid I won’t be able to cope.It will be a challenge, but if I do it, I will be able to continue working and broadcasting.I still have time, I’m gathering material and getting ready.

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